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Hauling Mail For Over 50 Years
What We Do


The Blackburn's have been hauling mail for the US Postal Service for over 50 years. It started with our grandfather and continues today, always maintaining our commitment to excellence and outstanding service.​ With numerous awards and recognition including receiving the prestigious Eagle Spirit Award multiple times for outstanding service from the US Postal Service, we are a leader in our field.

What we do

Provide quality, on-time service to the United States Postal Service and will continue to do so for years to come.


We are a proud member of the National Star Route Mail Contractors Association.

24 hr dispatch

For Postal and Driver Dispatch Only

For all other inquiries, please call


family operated

C. Blackburn Inc. is a 4th generation family of US Mail Contractors who have been in business for over 5 decades. 

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